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Adoption Process!Be sure to review these helpful pagesChoose your new pet, then complete an application here...Dog ApplicationDownloadable Dog Adoption Form Cat ApplicationDownloadable Cat Adoption Form Download the printable application form and email to info@texarkanaanimalleague.org, or mail to Texarkana Animal League, 5820 Richmond Road, Texarkana, TX 75503.
Adoption CenterTexarkana Animal League has opened its Adoption Center at 5820 Richmond Road, Texarkana, Texas, thanks in large part to a donation by the late Patricia Wheelington. A reminder of Ms. Wheelington is found on the walls of the new facility in the form of a sign from the “Guys ‘N Dolls Square Dance Club,” which was owned by their benefactor. The adoption center will be a convenient spot for adopters to meet prospective pets.
Volunteer opportunities are currently available at the adoption center. We are always seeking volunteers who love animals and want to help save lives. Our programs include:Dog/Cat Foster Care • Dog/Cat Adoption Events • Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) • PEP! (pet education program for children) , as well as sponsorships for those adopting pets.